Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Runes And Rune Magic

Runes And Rune Magic Image
The most common runic alphabets the Elder Futhark (150-800 AD), the Younger Futhark (1800-1100AD), and Anglo-Saxon Futhorc (400-1100 AD) are a set of related alphabets known as runes. These runes throughout history have been used for various purposes, to write various Germanic Languages (before Latin), divination, spiritual growth, and magic (K). Like all things linked to the occult, the rise of Christianity drove those who used the runes to hide their interest and practice in secrecy.

The actual origin of the runes in unknown, but we do have evidence that runes were used by the Vikings and those from Nordic Countries. In fact, the runes play a large part in Nordic mythology. As the Norse God Odin was said to have won the runes by hanging upside down for 9 days and nights without food or drink on the world tree known as Yggdrasil.

Today, the runes are largely used for divination purposes. But they can be used as stated above for much more. This much more is the topic of this post. Listed below is a simple rune script to attract money, something a lot of folks need these days!

Rune Script for Money ( draw the rune script in red ink on a small sheet of white paper)

The runes above are Gebo (Ghay-bow), Fehu (fay -who), Berkano (Bear- khan-oh), and Fehu (fay-who)


On a waxing moon draw the above runes in the exact order as given. Vibrate the name of each rune as you write it, see the rune's energy hovering over the paper as you say it's name, and watch it dissolve into the rune on the paper. Do this for each rune as you write it. After the last rune say, "Alu" (means so mote it be).Finally, charge the rune script with the 4 elements consisting of air (incense), earth (salt), fire (candle flame),and water(sprinkle a little water on the talisman) while stating that the talisman brings the needed money. Wear the talisman until you receive the money.

To destroy the talisman once it's served its purpose do the following:

Burn the talisman and toss the ashes to the wind.

Also, try the Fehu money spell located here

To learn more about runes and working with them in magic, you should get rune magic book located here

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Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Race And Religion Creating A Group Identity

Race And Religion Creating A Group Identity Cover Religion plays a large part in many white supremacist movements. Not just because it seems to be an easy scapegoat and, especially in the United States, an easy way to claim discriminatory speech is protected. Social movements generally contain elements that challenge the way a dominant system works, and so new sub-cultures are created as an answer to the prevailing system. This is also a result of peoples’ tendency to seek identity within a group setting—religion offers an easy way to do that. Dobratz writes, “Although religion may be viewed as an individual matter, it is mainly a shared experience that links one human being to others; bond and tradition are major concepts associated with religion…they [religions] can also be used to foster collective identity in various social movements.” Odinism is not at all unique in its use of religion to inspire ethnic conflict. This is a tactic we often see used against Judaism, the idea that the Jews are somehow “different.”

In 2001, a Professor of Religious History at the University of Stockholm minced no words when asked about neo-paganism, and more specifically Odinism, in white supremacy. He asserted that, in the 1990’s, neo-paganism had overtaken Christian Identity movements in white supremacy. In The Role of Religion in the Collective Identity of the White Racialist Movement, Odinism is specifically named as one of the three religious affiliations that has been most influential in influencing and developing the white nationalist/racialist movement. This article makes a separation between racial Odinism and other neo-pagan religions. While most other neo-pagan groups tend to see their religion as somehow “universal” in scope and would normally be classified as quite liberal, Odinists, “do not believe in universal religions…unlike most other neopagans, support neotribalism, emphasize racial purity.” It is important to note that the lack of belief in a universal religion is something generally attributed only to Folkish Odinists. There is much Universalist literature suggesting belief in the idea that the Old Norse gods are simply different iterations, or even only different names, of the same pagan gods worshiped worldwide.

It has been suggested that, “religion, broadly conceived, offers the most promising path toward realization of the white nationalist dream” (Dobratz). As a broad category, religion is very helpful in recruiting for new movements. It works to provide a common history and group identity, something very attractive to potential recruits. While they may privately compete among themselves, the number of different religions that have parts in the white supremacist/white nationalist movement actually serves to attract more members than if it were homogenous. Dobratz writes, “The different religious views provide alternatives from which people can choose.”

Lately, however, Odinism seems to have become the go-to religion of white supremacists who are disillusioned with Christianity. As churches have become both more liberal and more accepting of changing societal norms (such as homosexuality or women clergy), more and more interest in Odinism and other “ancestral religions” has popped up. Frank DeSilva, a member of the Silent Brotherhood, argues that a break from Christianity in favor of Odinism is occurring within white supremacy. “Religion is for the race-culture that created it. In consequence to this, the movement is becoming increasingly non-Christian.” He goes on to cite the fact that religions are become more integrated or “non-white” as a main reason for this shift. The idea of Christianity as a Jewish plot is also gaining popularity. In a rare case of reasoning that is (somewhat) logical, one reason for white supremacists reject Christian movements is explained—

“I’m an Odinist, and I really wish that all this Christian Identity stuff would just like fade away…me and a lot of my friends just think that it’s the stupidest thing around—Christian Identity. I mean, I believe Christianity is Jewish. I mean, in nature, Jesus Christ was Jewish—it comes from the Middle East—it’s a Middle Eastern religion. I don’t think it’s for us as a racial movement—why should we take a Jewish religion if we’re so anti-Semitic?”

Books in PDF format to read:

Israel Regardie - The Art And Meaning Of Magic
William Alexander Craigie - Religion Of Ancient Scandinavia
Stephen William Hawking - Space And Time Warps
Sandra Ingerman - Shamanic Journeying A Beginner Guide
John Arnott Macculloch - The Religion Of The Ancient Celts

Sunday, December 7, 2008


Havamal Cover

Book: Havamal by Wh Auden

Havamal ("Sayings of the high one") is presented as a single poem in the Poetic Edda, a Collection of Old Norse poems from the Viking age. The poem, itself a combination of different poems, is largely gnomic, presenting advice for living, proper conduct and wisdom.

The verses are attributed to Odin, much like the biblical Book of Wisdom is attributed to Solomon. The implicit attribution to Odin facilitated the accretion of various mythological material also dealing with Odin.

For the most part composed in the metre Ljodahattr, a metre associated with wisdom verse, Havamal is both practical and metaphysical in content. Following the gnomic "Havamal proper" follows the Runatal, an account of how Odin won the runes, and the Ljodatal, a list of magic chants or spells.

The only surviving source for Havamal is the 13th century Codex Regius. The part dealing with ethical conduct (the Gesta?attr) was traditionally identified as the oldest portion of the poem by Scholarship in the 19th and Early 20th century. Bellows (1936) identifies as the core of the poem a "collection of proverbs and wise counsels" which dates to "a very early time", but which, by the nature of oral tradition, never had a fixed form or extent. Von See (1981) identifies direct influence of the Disticha Catonis on the Gesta?attr, suggesting that also this part is a product of the high medieval period and casting doubt on the "unadulterated Germanic character" of the poem claimed by earlier commentators.

To the gnomic core of the poem, other fragments and poems dealing with wisdom and proverbs accreted over time. A discussion of authorship or date for the individual parts would be futile, since almost every line or stanza could have been added, altered or removed at will at any time before the poem was written down in the 13th century. Individual verses or stanzas nevertheless certainly date to as early as the 10th, or even the 9th century. Thus, the line deyr fe, deyja fraendr ("cattle die, kinsmen die") found in verses 76 and 77 of the Gestapattr can be shown to date to the 10th century, as it also occurs in the Hakonarmal by Eyvindr skaldaspillir.

Download Wh Auden's eBook: Havamal

Free eBooks (Can Be Downloaded):

Siddhartha Gautama - Dhammapada
Arjun Vishad Yog - Bhagvad Gita
Wh Auden - Havamal

Friday, December 5, 2008

Futhark A Handbook Of Rune Magic

Futhark A Handbook Of Rune Magic Cover

Book: Futhark A Handbook Of Rune Magic by Edred Thorsson

Complete book of rune instruction including definitions of the 24 runes of the Elder Futhark. Includes discussion of phonetic values, derivation and magical qualities of each rune, as well as exercises, chants, rituals, all geared for self-development.

This book is REQUIRED READING for those who would dare seek true knowledge of the runes. Other books purporting to reveal the mysteries of the runes are best left to the New Agers -- this is the real deal. Be advised that even though this "introductory" text is "for beginners," it is only for those who truely wish to KNOW. There is no mass-market fluff here! Although I am not entirely in agreement with the teachings of Mister Flowers (Thorsson) and the Rune-Guild, this is, by far, the best book I've seen on the subject matter . . . better even than "Thorsson's" later books for more advanced studies. He has written a number of books on the runes, and, even though I have a working knowledge of runelore myself, a few of them were difficult to read. Fortunately, "Futhark" is not one of them. The only real criticism I have is that, personally, I find the concept of "runic postures" rather silly. Visualize them, carve them, stain them with your blood -- but don't go striking a pose! Aside from that, this was an excellent book, and I recommend it highly.

Find Edred Thorsson's book in
Futhark A Handbook Of Rune Magic

Recommended reading (pdf e-books):

Ralph Blum - The New Book Of Runes
Arthur Edward Waite - The Book Of Ceremonial Magic
Edred Thorsson - Futhark A Handbooks Of Rune Magic

Monday, November 24, 2008

The Odinist Anthology Selection From The Runestone

The Odinist Anthology Selection From The Runestone Cover

Book: The Odinist Anthology Selection From The Runestone by Asatru Free Assembly

This anthology represents some of the contents of THE Runestone over a span of more than ten Years, from issue number two almost to the Present. During this decade-long his tory of publication, THE RUNESTONE and the organization which 1 t represents underwent a mu1 t i tude of changes, becoming more so~histicated, broader in perspective, and more polished in Presentation with the Passage of time, Hopefully the reader will be able to trace this evolution.

This collections designed to Provide the Person new to Odinisml, or Asatru, with something beyond the single leaflets which may have been his or her introduction to the religion. It is by vo means comprehensive, but it will give the student of Asatru a wealth of information which will make it easier to Proceed on to other sources of greater depth and comlexity. In this respect It fills a gap which has long been an irritant to new asatruarar.

The Articles have been edited for gramnotical and typogra~hical errors, and in some cases they have been "tightened upn by deletion of irrelevancies, but the flavor of the original has been kept - blemishes and all. Our beginnings were humle, to say the least, and the first funbling atteists to Present our world-view seem a little pitiable from today's standpoint, But every venture has to begin somewhere, and we have come a long, long way from those early attemts to put thoughts to Paper, This slim volume is presented in the firm belief that gut- Jgurney has barely begun, and that THE RUNESTONE and the Asatru Free Assembly will attain heights which today cannot even be seen because of the clouds which obscure the summit of acconlishment.

I would like to thank the Authors of these selections for their support, along with Prudence, Maddy, and Ariel. I t couldn't have been done without them. (Stephen A. McNallen
Denaic California)

Download Asatru Free Assembly's eBook: The Odinist Anthology Selection From The Runestone

Free eBooks (Can Be Downloaded):

Reformed Druids - Anthology 01 Chronicles Of The Foundation
Horace Wallis - The Cosmology Of The Rigveda
James Anderson - The Constitutions Of The Freemasons 1734
Aleister Crowley - Ambergris A Selection From The Poems Of Aleister Crowley
Asatru Free Assembly - The Odinist Anthology Selection From The Runestone

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Odin A Much Better God Than Jesus

Odin A Much Better God Than Jesus Cover The Norse god Odin is much more impressive a figure than Jesus.


Here Odin takes the clear edge. Along with his brothers, Villi and Ve, Odin killed the giant Ymir. From his skin, Odin and his brothers made the Earth. From his blood, they made the oceans and the lakes. From other body parts, they made the mountains, the trees, and the rest of the world of humans. Jesus, on the other hand, had no role in creation. He did not even exist until well after the world began.

Sacrifice, the execution.

Here, the Christian thinks his god has the edge. After all, they claim, Jesus died for us all. Sadly they are mistaken. While the death of Jesus is not pleasant, being beaten then nailed to a cross until he died later that day, this sacrifice is made even weaker considering the omniscience of the Christian god. He knows that after a day of suffering, he will rise again then spend the next period in the splendorous perfection of heaven. it hardly holds a candle to the two sacrifices that Odin endured. Odin's first sacrifice involved plucking his own eyeball from his head. His second sacrifice involved hanging himself from a tree for nine days and impaling himself with his own spear. The shear level of sacrifice undergone by this god is way beyond that of Jesus.

Sacrifice, the results.

Odin's sacrifices gained a great deal, both for him and for his people. By plucking out his own eye, Odin was granted sight into the future. By hanging himself, he gained the secrets of the runes, bringing writing, poetry, and magic to the Norse people. On the surface, Jesus's sacrifice also gained an extraordinary amount, namely the redemption of all mankind (or, at least, all those who believe in him). However, this also portrays a major weakness of the Christian god. If he is all-powerful, why would a god need to sacrifice anything, let alone his own incarnate self, to himself to absolve mankind of transgressions against laws that he made? A god should be capable of simply forgiving transgressions against his own laws. By exposing this weakness of Christian logic, Jesus's sacrifice actually makes him look weaker.

Lessons for humanity.

Both gods teach lessons that include concepts like providing hospitality to strangers in a hostile environment, clearly a good lesson. However, the basis of each belief system could not be more different. Jesus, especially in the re-telling of mainstream modern Christianity, taught a message of meekness and humbleness. Odin taught a life of boldness and assurance. Jesus's followers are servants. Odin's are warriors. What this world needs are people who are willing to stand up for what they think is right, not those who will fawn in front of a throne. Nowhere is this difference more profound than at the end of life. The ultimate reward of Christianity comes to those who bend their knee and beg forgiveness will gain reward. Odin's followers sang out:

Catlle die, kinsmen die / Every man is mortal
I know one thing that never dies / The dead man's reputation

While we know that neither god is real, and that these mythologies are just the creations of ignorant cultures, it can be interesting to compare them and others. And sometimes it is more fun to engage the theists on their own turf, rather than in the real world.

Recommended reading (pdf e-books):

Michael Jordan - Dictionary Of Gods And Goddesses
Aleister Crowley - Freemason Letter On Crowley Status
Aleister Crowley - Stone Of Cybele From Golden Twigs

Monday, November 17, 2008

Asatru Kindred Activities

Asatru Kindred Activities Cover It is vital for the healthy growth and Development of the Kindred to have regular gatherings. The more frequent the gatherings, the better. I would encourage those who can to meet once a week. If that is not possible, try to get the Kindred together as often as possible. The Arizona Kindred meets every Wodensday. Now I realize that we have members in several states, and even within the state, some of us are separated by hundreds of miles. Some of us though only live a few miles from each other, so we meet once a week. We also have the seasonal Blots as well as other important gatherings throughout the year. We expect our members to attend all the gatherings that they can, with at least one a year being mandatory.

We have always expected our members to be self reliant, and one way to promote this is to have regular camp outs. In the Winter we camp in the desert, and in the Summer months we camp in the mountains. We encourage our members to procure suitable camping equipment, and to learn campcraft. Of course, for those new to camping in the great outdoors, we always have enough gear to share. If at all possible, schedule several camping trips a year. The Arizona Kindred meets this way about six times per year.

At our camp outs, we follow a usual routine. Those who can, arrive Friday afternoon to secure a campsite and to generally set up the camp. We usually have an informal meal that evening and just kick back and enjoy each others' company around the fire.

On Saturday morning we usually have some type of group activity. This could be going for a hike, a trip down to the swimming hole, or perhaps a firewood scrounging expedition. Sometimes we will have a seminar and discuss an important topic. By mid afternoon, we prepare for the Blot. Following the Blot, we have a formal Feast. This is usually a pot luck dinner, with everyone bringing Something to share with the Kindred. The Kindred usually supplies the meat for the cookout, and has a campstove available for those who need to cook their offering to the Feast. In the evening at dusk, we hold the Sumbel. We encourage our members to brew their own mead and bring it to share at the Sumbel. Following the Sumbel, we usually stay around the campfire and just enjoy each others' company.

On Sunnasday morning, as Gothi, I cook breakfast for the Kindred. This usually consists of hearty Spam sandwiches and berserker coffee. I have been known to cook breakfast for 30 people or more.

After breakfast, the whole Kindred should be engaged in cleaning the grounds, and as a last gesture, we make an offering to the Land Spirits. This sequence of events works well for the Kindred, and people learn to work with the schedule. Again, consistency is the key to successful outings.

At our weekly gatherings, being limited to a couple of hours at a time, we usually spend the first half hour or so just talking about our week, and sharing any news or ideas with the Kindred. Then we have an ongoing project that we work on. We have for the past year been studying the Runes. At first we concentrated on the basics, learning how to pronounce them, write them, know them, and later we carved them. We each made our own Gandr. Then as our knowledge progressed, we made our own Runes and started to cast them. At the same time, we read and studied the Rune Poems of the Eddas. Always working together as a group to learn all that we possibly can about the Runes. This work continues today. We also have studied the Havamal, and continue to do so. We are now comparing various Translations of the old Lays to learn even more. Lately we have started to study Old Norse for liturgical reasons and for everyday conversation. This is a work in progress.

Future plans are for brewing classes, wood carving, organic gardening, home disaster preparedness, and what ever else we decide to learn and to share with each other. Although all of this takes time, we look at this as all in a life's work. We will continue to meet and study as long as we draw breath.

This should give you some idea of Kindred activities. Remember the importance of meeting often, and having interesting activities for the Kindred to share.

Free eBooks (Can Be Downloaded):

Jarl Fossum - Seth In The Magical Texts
Anthony Arndt - Asatru The Northern Way
Miac - Asatru And Odinism
Reeves Hall - Asatru In Brief

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Asatru As A Modern Romantic Movement

Asatru As A Modern Romantic Movement Cover Asatru also has a strong romantic aspect to it. There are many who elevate the culture of the past, the Symbolism of the Vikings or patterns of past agricultural lifestyles as paradigms to copy and re-Experience. Many of the aesthetic practices developed throughout the generations are recreated and made relevant to today.

Whether recreating the folklore of the past, Practicing the crafts of our ancestors, or recreating the dress and manner of our ancestors the common thread is romanticizing of that past culture and art. Although its easy to downplay the importance of these activities, they can be strong identity-developing undertakings which emphasize our unique cultural past and make it a guide for tomorrow. These activities sanctify our culture and religion and make us separate from those who don’t value them in the same way that we do. These activities raise our culture, art and folkways from the mundane to the spiritual.

Books in PDF format to read:

Tommie Eriksson - Tree Cults In Northern Magic
Reeves Hall - Asatru In Brief
Miac - Asatru And Odinism
Max Heindel - Ancient And Modern Initiation

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Magic Zzzz

Magic Zzzz Image
We've always been enchanted by vowelless words (and have even dedicated an entire dictionary to them). For the new edition of our collection of magic words, we unearthed some interesting facts about the expression ZZZZ, electrical zap of pure, focused energy.

In Tantric practice, "The ZZZZ sound brings the energy up to the pituitary/pineal area."* A "simple humming of the voiced zzzzzzzzz formula" is also practiced by the German rune magicians.+ Such a whirring, whistling sound is associated with the rune Elhaz, "the power of human life and 'spirit.'"+

Seven Z's appear in the text of a late 6th or early 7th century healing amulet, to help reduce episodes of fever typical of Malaria. The amulet was excavated "on the Golan Heights of the Horvat Kanaf synagogue, which was erected in the Byzantine Era."

As we noted in the first edition of our Magic Words dictionary, the evil magician in Doug Henning's musical The Magic Show (1981) uses the magic trigger word zzzz over and over again during his act.

* Jonathan Goldman, Tantra of Sound (2005)

+ Edred Thorsson, Futhark: A Handbook of Rune Magic (1984)

Peter Sch"afer, Jewish Studies Between the Disciplines (2003)

(Image courtesy Rigmarole.)

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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Tiwaz Rune

Tiwaz Rune Cover This Rune belongs to the God Tyr, giver of victory to honourable warriors. Tiwaz was engraved in Weapons from the beginning; it was the tendency not only to obtain Tyr's benevolence, but also his courage, fearlessness and sense of fairness and justice. Elderly warriors would engrave Tiwaz on their own bodies to avoid death of old age and in that way open to themselves the entry to Valhalla. Tiwaz signifies the spear but also the arrow, which is evident from the Rune's very shape. This symbol was often engraved on urns, sometimes combined with the archetypical Germanic symbol – the swastika. Tiwaz is the Rune of the warrior and it can be used to awaken the belligerence in us. It's also used to better one's concentration and enable a more intensive focus on a project. Beside that, Tiwaz helps to defeat the competition, or any other situation that has a competitive element. Unlike the Berkana which is preceded by this typically male Rune, a Rune that carries within itself an exceptionally male energy. Like the second Aett, the third cycle of Futhark begins with a kind of destruction. In Tiwaz we have to overcome ourselves and, if needed, to sacrifice ourselves for the higher goals.


Positive meaning: victory, justice, responsibility, heroism.

Negative meaning: injustice, pointless sacrifice, failure.

Free eBooks (Can Be Downloaded):

Starhwak - The Spiral Dance
Stephen Flowers - Black Runa
Karl Hans Welz - Armanen Runes
Samael Aun Weor - Magic Runes

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Hermod Errand

Hermod Errand Cover As the road was rough and painful in the extreme, none of the Gods at first volunteered to go; but when Frigga added that she and Odin would reward the messenger by loving him most of all the ?sir, Hermod signified his readiness to execute the commission. To help him on his way, Odin lent him Sleipnir, and bade him good speed, while he motioned to the other Gods to carry the corpse to Breidablik, and directed them to go to the forest and cut down huge pines to make a worthy pyre for his son.

“But when the Gods were to the forest gone,
Hermod led Sleipnir from Valhalla forth
And saddled him; before that, Sleipnir brook’d
No meaner hand than Odin’s on his mane,
On his broad back no lesser rider bore;
Yet docile now he stood at Hermod’s side,
Arching his neck, and glad to be bestrode,
Knowing the God they went to seek, how dear.
But Hermod mounted him, and sadly fared
In silence up the dark untravel’d road
Which branches from the north of Heaven, and went
All day; and daylight waned, and night came on.
And all that night he rode, and journey’d so,
Nine days, nine nights, toward the northern ice,
Through valleys deep-engulph’d by roaring streams.
And on the tenth morn he beheld the bridge
Which spans With Golden arches Giall’s stream,
And on the bridge a damsel watching, arm’d,
In the straight passage, at the further end,
Where the road issues between walling rocks.”
-BALDER DEAD (Matthew Arnold)

While Hermod was traveling along the cheerless road to Niflheim, the Gods hewed and carried down to the shore a vast amount of fuel, which they placed upon the deck of Balder’s favorite vessel, Ringhorn, Constructing an elaborate funeral pyre, which, According to custom, was decorated with tapestry hangings, garlands of flowers, vessels and weapons of all kinds, golden rings, and countless objects of value, ere the immaculate corpse was brought and laid upon it in full attire.

One by one, the Gods now drew near to take a last farewell of their beloved companion, and as Nanna bent over him, her loving heart broke, and she fell lifeless by his side. Seeing this, the Gods reverently laid her beside her husband, that she might accompany him even in death; and after they had slain his horse and hounds and twined the pyre with thorns, the emblems of sleep, Odin, the last of the Gods, drew near.

Books in PDF format to read:

Sir William Stirling Maxwell - The Canon
Tuesday Lobsang Rampa - The Third Eye
Aleister Crowley - The Diary Of A Drug Fiend
Morwyn - The Golden Dawn

Monday, October 20, 2008

Goddess Gerd

Goddess Gerd Image




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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Ingeborg Unofficial Asatru Faq

Ingeborg Unofficial Asatru Faq Cover

Book: Ingeborg Unofficial Asatru Faq by Ingeborg Norden

Feel free to pass this on to other pagan friends, as long as you acknowledge me as the original author.

Long before Christianity came to northern Europe, the people there - our ancestors - had their own religions. One of these was Asatru. It was practiced in the lands that are today Scandinavia, England, Germany, France, the Netherlands, and other countries as well. Asatru is the original, or native, religion for the peoples who lived in these regions. Simply put, you might think of it as ''the religion of the Vikings'' since they were its main followers in the years just before our ancestors were forced to adopt Christianity. Asatru is unlike the better-known Religions in many ways. Some of these are:

- We are polytheistic. That is, we believe in a number of deities, including Goddesses as well as Gods. (We have a tongue-in-cheek saying that a religion without a Goddess is halfway to atheism!)
- We do not accept the idea of ''original sin,'' the notion that we are tainted from birth and intrinsically bad, as does Christianity. Thus, we do not need ''saving.''
- We do not claim to be a Universal religion, a faith for all of humankind. In fact, we don't think such a thing is possible or desirable. The different branches of humanity have different ways of looking at the world, each of which is valid for them. It is only right that they have different religions.

Download Ingeborg Norden's eBook: Ingeborg Unofficial Asatru Faq

Free eBooks (Can Be Downloaded):

Anonymous - Odinism And Asatru
Aleister Crowley - Liber 207 A Syllabus Of The Official Instructions Of The Aa
Ingeborg Norden - Ingeborg Unofficial Asatru Faq

Friday, October 10, 2008

Pagan Police Win The Right To Take Time Off For Festivals

Pagan Police Win The Right To Take Time Off For Festivals Cover Pagan police officers have been given the right to take days off to celebrate festivals where they leave food out for the dead and take part in 'unabashed sexual promiscuity'. The Pagan Police Association has been officially recognised as a 'diversity staff support organisation' by the Home Office. It means chief constables cannot refuse pagan officers' requests to take official religious holidays, which will be given the same respect as Christmas for Christians, Ramadan for Muslims and Passover for Jews.

There are thought to be about 500 pagan officers - including druids, witches and shamens. The eight main holidays include Samhain, on Halloween, where pagans celebrate the 'dark winter half of the year' by leaving food outside for the 'wandering dead' and dress up as ghosts and casting spells. Imbolc - the festival of the lactating sheep - is held on February 2. Pagans pile stones on top of each other and make 'priapic wands' to celebrate fertility. Beltane, on April 30 and May 1, sees pagan and wicca worshippers celebrate the sun god with 'unabashed sexuality and promiscuity'. Married couples are encouraged to 'remove their wedding rings' for the night. And Litha - which takes on the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year on June 21 - involves pagans drinking honey mead and dancing naked in the sun to celebrate the upcoming harvest.

PC Andy Pardy, from Hemel Hempstead in Hertfordshire, is cofounder of the Pagan Police Association. PC Pardy - who worships Norse gods including hammerwielding Thor and one-eyed Odin - said: 'As of May 2010 the Police Pagan Association officially received the support and endorsement of the Home Office and the National Policing Improvement Agency and is now a recognised Diversity Staff Support Association for serving and retired pagan police officers and staff in the United Kingdom.
'The recognition of paganism is a slow process, but the progress is evident.

'Officers can, for the first time, apply for leave on the festival dates relevant to their path, and allow them to work on other dates such as Christmas which bore no relevance to them.' He said an increase in pagan chaplains in police forces meant officers had a 'support base' close to hand.

The rules also mean pagans, for whom Stonehenge is a place of pilgrimage, will be allowed to swear upon their religion in court, pledging to tell the truth before what 'they hold sacred'. But one police officer, who did not want to be named, said: 'When they talk about political correctness gone mad, this is exactly what they are talking about. 'What has it come to when a cop gets time off so he can sit about making spells or dance around the place drinking honey beer with a wand in his hand?' A Home Office spokesman said: 'The Government wants a police service that reflects the diverse communities it serves.'

Other festivals that pagan officers can take off work include Yule - celebrated on December 21 - when pagans go door-to- door singing and burn a yule log to honour Kriss Kringle, the Germanic pagan god of Yule. Another festival is Lammas, on July 31, when pagans celebrate harvest time and are encouraged to go on 'country walks'.

Free eBooks (Can Be Downloaded):

Donald Tyson - The Magican Workbook Practicing The Rituals Of The Western Tradition
Solomonic Grimoires - Lemegeton I The Lesser Key Of Solomon Goetia
Rowan Moonstone - Pagan History The Origins Of Halloween
Robin Artisson - Reclaiming The Pagan Worldview The Heart Of Mysticism
Solomonic Grimoires - The Grand Grimorie With The Great Clavicle Of Solomon

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Temples And Images Of Ancient Scandinavians

Temples And Images Of Ancient Scandinavians Cover In common with other peoples, the ancient Scandinavians erected special buildings in which to worship their gods, and in which their images were placed. These temples (called hof, goda-hof, goda-hus, and blot-hus) must not be thought of as in any way comparable to those erected by the more cultured Aryan races, such as the Greeks and Romans. It is true that Adam of Bremen describes that at Upsala in Sweden, which he calls nobilissimum templum, as being 'all of gold,' while a note to the passage says that it was surrounded by 'a Golden Chain hanging on the pinnacles of the building, and seen glittering afar by those who approach the place'; but it is very doubtful how far this description is trustworthy. In any case the Upsala temple would naturally be much superior to those in less central localities; from other indications it appears to have been specially well endowed with landed and other property. Unfortunately there is no evidence from which any general idea of the heathen temples in Sweden and Denmark can be obtained. In Norway they were, like the ordinary houses, constructed of timber, and in many cases were probably of small size and insignificant appearance. Mention has already been made of the temple of Thor in the island of Mostr, which Thorolf took down and carried off to Iceland when he went to settle there. The same thing is told of Thorhadd, who was priest of Maerin in Thrandheim; he also took down the temple, and carried with him the temple-mould and the chief pillars. Some of the building, no doubt, may have been more imposing, and even to some extent furnished with costly ornaments. When Olaf Tryggvason gave orders to burn down Earl Hakon's temple at Hladir, 'he made them take all the treasure and ornaments out of the temple and off the images of the gods.' A large gold ring was also removed from the temple door, but it afterwards proved to be only brass internally. It may also be noted that various accounts of temples speak of them as being lighted by glass windows 'so that there was no shadow anywhere in them.' Beside the great temple at Upsala there was a sacred grove, and the evidence of place-names shows that similar groves existed elsewhere in Sweden and Denmark: as regards Norway and Iceland there is no positive Information on this head.

The temple being a holy place, there were naturally certain restrictions attached to it, of which a prominent one was that no weapons were to be taken inside it. This is clearly Illustrated by an incident in Vatnsd?la Saga, where Ingimund enters the temple first, and Hrafn the Norwegian follows him, wearing his sword. Then Ingimund turned to him, and said, 'It is not the custom to carry weapons in the temple, and you will come under the wrath of the gods unless you make amends for it.' Then Olaf Tryggvason entered the temple of Maerin in Thrandheim, he carried a gold-mounted staff, but his own men and those belonging to the district were weaponless.

Free eBooks (Can Be Downloaded):

Asbjorn Jon - Shamanism And The Image Of The Teutonic Deity Odin
John Opsopaus - Interpretationes Of Ancient Herbs
William Alexander Craigie - Religion Of Ancient Scandinavia

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Walking Dead Draugr And Aptrgangr In Old Norse Literature

The Walking Dead Draugr And Aptrgangr In Old Norse Literature Cover

Book: The Walking Dead Draugr And Aptrgangr In Old Norse Literature by Anonymous

For the Vikings, the concept of the afterlife was often much more immediate than glorious skaldic tales of Valholl or the Christian's Heaven: once the dead body was placed within the grave, it was believed to become "animated with a strange life and power" (Hilda Ellis-Davidson. The Road to Hel. Westport CT, Greenwood P., 1943. p. 96). The dead person continued a sort of pseudo-life within the grave, not as a spirit or ghost, but as an actual undead corpse similar in many respects to the "nosferatu" or central European vampire (Ellis-Davidspn, Road to Hel, p. 92).

Much like the ancient Greeks, the Vikings had neither a positive or negative view of the afterlife. They believed for the most part, the dead, if they had lived an unexceptional life, would travel to a place called "Hel" (which is where the modern word "hell" comes from) which lies far to the north and under ground. It was a thought of as being a cold and damp place where the spirits of the dead continued in a dreamlike form of existence. It was not particularly happy, but it was not torturous and was viewed as a long sleep. There were other ideas of an afterlife that were believed as well. There was another realm beneath Hel, where people who had lived bad lives were gnawed upon by a serpent called "Nidhoggr". They slept in a hall that was made of snakes and dripped poison. This place, called "Nastrond", was located on the shore of an ice cold subterranean sea. Those who lived exceptional lives in a positive way could expect to travel to "Asgard", the home of the Gods. They would spend the afterlife in happiness. The exact dwelling that was given to these people depended upon their lives. For example: hero's who died in battle would go to "Vahalla" the "Hall of the slain", and live with Odin the king of the Gods. Here they spent all day fighting each other, only to rise from the battlefield in the evening healed of their wounds and then spent the rest of the night feasting. The main theme of the afterlife seems to have been repetition. It was not however, believed to be eternal. They believed that the world of both the living and dead, gods and monsters would one day be destroyed and the universe would begin anew.

Download Anonymous's eBook: The Walking Dead Draugr And Aptrgangr In Old Norse Literature

Free eBooks (Can Be Downloaded):

Stephen Flowers - The Galdrabok An Icelandic Grimoire
Stuart Nettleton - The Alchemy Key Unraveling The Single Tangible Secret In All Mysteries
Anonymous - Babylonian And Assyrian Literature
Anonymous - The Walking Dead Draugr And Aptrgangr In Old Norse Literature

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Odinism What Is It The Odinic Rite

Odinism What Is It The Odinic Rite Cover

Book: Odinism What Is It The Odinic Rite by Troth Aor

Odinism is the indigenous religious faith of the Scandinavian, British and other peoples of Northern Europe; it is an amalgam of attitudes, ideas and behavior, both a personal faith and a communal way of life. In its beginnings Odinism is probably as old as our race. Historically it may be divided into three periods: Before the coming of Christianity Its gradual merging with Christianity and the ensuing Period of Dual Faith, and Its efforts in the present century to free itself of Christian influences and to reassert its ancient independence.

How have the tenets of Odinism been preserved? Is there an Odinist holy book? The ancient oral traditions of Odinism were during the Middle Ages embodied in writings, the Odinist books of wisdom, the principle of which are the Eddas. The poetic Elder Edda presents the Odinist cosmogony, the mythological lays and the heroic lays, including the story of Sigurd and Brynhild which were in later times molded into the Lay of the Nibelungs. The Younger Edda is a prose synopsis of the Odinist faith.

Download Troth Aor's eBook: Odinism What Is It The Odinic Rite

Recommended reading (pdf e-books):

Anonymous - Teachings Of The Odin Brotherhood
Troth Aor - Odinism What Is It The Odinic Rite

Friday, September 26, 2008

Fire And Ice Magical Order The Brotherhood Of Saturn

Fire And Ice Magical Order The Brotherhood Of Saturn Cover

Book: Fire And Ice Magical Order The Brotherhood Of Saturn by Stephen Flowers

Since 1972, Edred Thorsson has been dedicated to the esoteric and esoteric study of the Indo-European, Celtic and Teutonic traditions. He studied Old Irish, Middle Welsh and Indo-European religion and culture at major universities in Germany and in the United States.

The Fraternitas Saturni is a Thelemite order which has shaped the modern occult scene in Germany since its foundation in 1928. This volume presents the history and doctrines of that order. Appendices include the texts of many actual rites performed by the FS as well as historical documents relating to Aleister Crowley's relations with the FS. This order is especially well-known for its use of sexual magic. This book was originally published in the early 1990s by Llewellyn under the title Fire and Ice. xii

Find Stephen Flowers's book in
Fire And Ice Magical Order The Brotherhood Of Saturn

Recommended reading (pdf e-books):

Loptsson - Icelandic Poetry Or The Edda Of Saemund
Jim Reeds - John Dee And The Magic Tables In The Book Of Soyga
Stephen Flowers - Fire And Ice Magical Order The Brotherhood Of Saturn

Alfta Dictionary Of Northern Lore

Alfta Dictionary Of Northern Lore Cover

Book: Alfta Dictionary Of Northern Lore by Alfta Odinnsen

Northern Lore was basically an oral tradition and never written down during pagan times. It was only later written down by Christian scholars in an attempt to preserve something of their native culture. But by then, much of the oral lore was lost. Even today, we recognize that what we work with is only a small portion of the myths and lore that was once studied by the pagan scholars of Northern Europe. Thus, people who still used Runes during Christian times, had forgotten the other eight, missing Runes.

National Socialism did incorporated some elements Germanic paganism into its ideology, and used Runes extensively in its symbolic displays. But National Socialism used the Armanen Runes, which was a 20the century construct by German occultists based on the 18 standards of the Havamal (The Sayings of Har). The Havamel, along with the rest of Norse Lore, was written down from the oral tradition, by Christian scholars centuries after Northern Europe had converted to Christianity, and thus, most of the Northern Lore has been lost. This is why there are only 18 Runic spells recited in the Havamal, instead of twenty-four of the Elder Futhark. In the twentieth century, German occultists attempt to create a modern-day Runic system based on these eighteen verses, and thus created a corrupt spiritual system

Download Alfta Odinnsen's eBook: Alfta Dictionary Of Northern Lore

Recommended reading (pdf e-books):

Anonymous - Dictionary Of The Forgotten Ones
Alfta Odinnsen - Alfta Dictionary Of Northern Lore

Monday, September 22, 2008

The Religion Of The Teutons

The Religion Of The Teutons Cover

Book: The Religion Of The Teutons by Chantepie De La Saussaye

THE present volume may be allowed to plead its own cause its plan and scope are explained in the Introduction. It is for critics to decide how far the author has succeeded in his task, and wherein he has failed. It is the hope of the author that his book may at all events prove useful in conveying some definite information on controverted points, the more so as the excellent work of F. B. Gummere on Germanic Origins, which is the only English work of a general character, covers for the greater part a different field.

I wish to express my gratitude to several scholars who have had considerable share in the production of this book. Without the repeated and earnest solicitation and the encouragement received from Professor Morris Jastrow, Jr., of the University of Pennsylvania, this book would not have been written. Its appearance in English is due to Professor B. J. Vos of the Johns Hopkins University, who, in view of his own deep interest in the subject, was especially qualified to undertake the translation. The first eleven chapters also published in Dutch have been carefully revised by Professor B. Symons of the University of Groningen, who has read the proof sheets with the keen eye of the specialist, and whose numerous suggestions have frequently proved of value in controlling and correcting my own views.

In the chapters devoted to mythology my obligations are less direct. I have, however, gratefully made use of the material collected in the latest and best works, and more especially of the excellent sketch of Mogk in Paul's Grundriss der germanischen Philologie. The general reader may, however, be assured that I have never accepted data without verification, and the scholar will observe that my conclusions frequently differ from those embodied in recent publications. It is my hope, also, that the historical method adopted in the work, and the endeavor to maintain a sharp distinction between what we actually know and what we do not know, may be esteemed advantages which will in a measure redeem other possible imperfections. (P. D. Chantepie de la Saussaye)

Download Chantepie De La Saussaye's eBook: The Religion Of The Teutons

Recommended reading (pdf e-books):

John Arnott Macculloch - The Religion Of The Ancient Celts
Chantepie De La Saussaye - The Religion Of The Teutons

The Secret Of The Gothick God Of Darkness

The Secret Of The Gothick God Of Darkness Cover

Book: The Secret Of The Gothick God Of Darkness by Stephen Flowers

There is a Secret God, a Hidden God, who dwells in a spiralling tower fortress and who has guided and overseen our development from time immemorial--and who has remained concealed but very close to us awaiting the "future" time of reawakening. The time of the re-awakening is near. Already we have heard the distant claps of thunder which signal the coming storm.

The legacy of the Dark Gothick God is one which can guide those chosen by him to a state of development wherein they have attained a permanent (immortal) consciousness which is free to act or not act in the material universe as it desires. This consciousness becomes privy to all manner of secrets of life and death and life in death. The price for this attainment is contained in the cost of attaining it-- for one who has been so chosen there can be no rest, no respite from the Quest which is, and remains, the Eternal Work.

Because the way in which knowledge of this Dark Gothick God is passed from generation to generation contradicts the favored methods of the so-called "major religions" of the world--the religions of the "book"--Judaism, Christianity and Islam--this knowledge and its methods have been forbidden and made increasingly tabu for all of the centuries since the cunning ideological conversion of Europe by Christianity.

Books can be burned, religious leaders can be killed--but the blood endures. (from Stephen E. Flowers)

Download Stephen Flowers's eBook: The Secret Of The Gothick God Of Darkness

Recommended reading (pdf e-books):

Anonymous - The Secret Book Of Artephius
Stephen Flowers - The Secret Of The Gothick God Of Darkness

Monday, August 25, 2008

Rune Might History And Practices Of The Early 20th Century German Rune Magicians

Rune Might History And Practices Of The Early 20th Century German Rune Magicians Cover

Book: Rune Might History And Practices Of The Early 20th Century German Rune Magicians by Edred Thorsson

This work reveals, for the first time in the English language, the long-hidden secrets of the German Rune Magicians who practiced their arts in the beginning of the 20th century. Most of their work has been unavailable even in German for many decades. This book includes material by Guido von List, Friedrich Bernhard Marby, Siegfried Adolf Kummer, Karl Maria Wiligut, Peryt Shou, Karl Spiesberger and others. This text presents the best and most powerful of the runic techniques developed in the early phase of the runic revival and offers them as a coherent set of exercises. Experience rune-yoga, rune-dance, runic hand gestures (mudras), rune-signing (mantras), group rites with runes, runic healing, and two of the most powerful methods of engaging transpersonal powers~W the ritual of the Ninth Night and the Ritual of the Grail-Cup.

Magical practice dealing with runes and the use of runic lore to shape occult teachings has a long history in Germany. For almost as long as there has been a magical revival in that country, there has been a magical runic revival. In the annals of this renaissance, two names shine out above all the rest: Guido von List and Friedrich Bernhard Marby. Others would expand and adapt their ideas, but without doubt all of the significant magical innovations of the occult German runic revival can be traced to one or the other of these two men. But in this work we will be dealing not only with the teachings of these two but also with that of their followers and students, each of whom added something to the hoard of teachings that make up the German occult tradition surrounding the runes.

In the present work I want to explore the practical teachings and workings of the German rune magicians. It will be shown how the German runic tradition fits well with the Western magical tradition, for it is largely an outgrowth of it, although the runic magician would argue that it is the deepest root and basis of the Western revival itself. The second part of this book is a collection of some of the most influential and powerful workings of the German rune-magical tradition. The techniques are drawn from a wide ranger of books, mostly printed in the 1920s, 1930s and 1950s. They represent the teachings of various esoteric individuals and groups working with the runes in Germany during the early part of the 20th century. The reader will be able to enact these runic workings and exercises for purposes of self-development, strengthening the will, and generally improving all phases of magical work. The runes, as taught in the Armanic system, can very easily be put into the working context of any other Western magical tradition, in contrast to the highly traditional forms of runelore expressed in the 24-rune futhark, which is fairly "intolerant" of admixture with other systems. This is simply because the 18-rune futhork as used by the Armanen (followers of Guido von list) and most other German rune magicians of this time is more a part of the so-called Western Tradition than is the 24-rune system. If one is going to work "eclectically" with the runes, it is perhaps best to work with the Armanic runes (the 18-rune futhork).

Buy Edred Thorsson's book: Rune Might History And Practices Of The Early 20th Century German Rune Magicians

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Ophiel - The Art Practice Of Caballa Magic
David Oringderff - Spiritual Philosophy And Practice Of Wicca In The Us Military
Diane Purkiss - The Witch In History Early Modern And Twentieth Century Representations
Kveldulf Gundarsson - Teutonic Magic The Magical And Spiritual Practices Of The Germanic Peoples
Edred Thorsson - Rune Might History And Practices Of The Early 20th Century German Rune Magicians P4

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Asatru Recommended Reading List

Asatru Recommended Reading List Cover The following books constitute a solid library on Asatru and related subjects. Many of these volumes are currently out-of-print but are worth the trouble of obtaining. Books which can be ordered through Amazon or Runa Raven Press are noted with an asterisk.

Eddas, Sagas, and Other Ancient Texts

The term "Edda" is used to describe two very different collections of lore. One is the Elder Edda, also known as the Poetic Edda. This is a compilation of manuscripts and fragments in verse form, dating from the pre-Christian period or shortly afterward. Various translations may be found in print at any given time

The other manuscript classified as an Edda is the Prose Edda of Snorri Sturluson, written in Iceland some two centuries after the coming of Christianity to that island. Sagas are stories, ranging from the semi-historical to the mythological, from pre-Christian or early Christian times in the Nordic lands.

We have also included here other early chronicles and histories by Tacitus and Saxo Grammaticus.

* Poetic Edda
* Prose Edda

* Egil's Saga
* Grettir's Saga
* Heimskringla
* Njal's Saga
* Saga of the Jomsvikings
* Saga of the Volsungs
* The Vinland Saga

* Beowulf

*The Agricola and the Germania
* History of the Danes Saxo Grammaticus

Click here for more details.

Germanic religion and History

* Cultural Atlas of the Viking World
* Dictionary of Northern Mythology
* Gods of the Ancient Northmen
* History of the Vikings
* Lost Beliefs of Northern Europe
* Myth and religion of the North
* Myths and Symbols of Pagan Europe
* Norse Myths
* Nordic Religion of the Viking Age
* The Road to Hel
* Role of the Northern Goddess
* Well and the Tree

* The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Ango-Saxon England
* Lady with a Mead Cup
* Sword in Anglo-Saxon Europe
* Wisdom of the Wyrd

*Essays in Germanic Religion
*Germanic Invasions
*Germanic People
*Germanization of Early Medieval Christianity

Click here for more details.

Runes & Magic

* At the Well of Wyrd: A Handbook of Runic Divination
* Futhark: A Handbook of Rune Magic
* Nine Doors of Midgard
* Northern Magic
* Runelore: A Handbook of Esoteric Runology
* Rune Might: Secret Practices of the German Rune Magicians
* Rune Song (booklet & tape)
*Teutonic Magic

Click here for more details.

Contemporary Works

* Book of Troth
* The Odin Brotherhood
* True Hearth
* Way of the Heathen
* Witchdom of the True

Free eBooks (Can Be Downloaded):

The Troth - Heathen Bookhoard A Reading List
Miac - Asatru And Odinism
Ann Groa Sheffield - Groa List Of Recommended Heathen Reading

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Ragnark Rune Defined By Peter H Gilmore

Ragnark Rune Defined By Peter H Gilmore Image
Church Of Satan High Priest Peter H. Gilmore Defines His Ragnar"ok Rune Symbol:

"My Ragnar"ok Rune Consists Of A Variant On The Rune Of Outward Radiating Power With A Wolf's Cross (sign Of Hel And Unchangeable Fate) At The Center. It Symbolizes The Inevitable Spread Of The Forces Of Darkness Throughout The Universe." It Can Thus Be Employed As Part Of The Rite Of Ragnarok, Available In My Book The Satanic Scriptures", Originally Written And Performed In The Late 1980s. This Is A Purposely Militant Rite, Not For The Timid, And It Is Exaggerated In Its Stylized Cataclysmic Theatrics. One Might Note That Some Of This Mythology Has Been Used By The Third Reich. However, It Should Also Be Observed That While We Satanists Appreciate The Drama Of The Mass Rallies Of The Past, Here We Are Invoking And Embracing The Gods That Were Considered Enemies By Those Who Tried To Create A Neo-pagan Culture For Nazi Germany. They Wanted To Resurrect Valhalla-our Rite Sends It Crashing Down In Flames.

Church Of Satan Members Have Used This Ritual To Purge Emotions Raised By The Terrorist Attacks Of 9/11, As Well As To Release Their Hatred Of The Current Creeping Theocracy Imposed By Right Wing Fundamentalist Christians In Western Nations. You Too May Find It A Powerful Cathartic To Eliminate Feelings Of Repression Induced By Parts Of Society That Are Distinctly Anti-individualistic And Utterly Un-Satanic.

It May Be Used As Well To Cast A Vision Of The Future, A Societal Is-To-Be That Moves The World In Directions Of Greater Freedom, Abundant Secularism, And Utter Elimination Of Fundamentalist Fanaticism."

~ Peter H. Gilmore

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Goddess Ostara

Goddess Ostara Cover Ostara, also known as Easter, is a Goddess of dawn, rebirth, and spring. Dressed in white, she brings light and life to us with the warm explosion of life-ending winter. Of course, you’re familiar with the symbols associated with her: the Easter bunny and eggs.

Free eBooks (Can Be Downloaded):

George Lyman Kittredge - Notes On Witchcraft
Phil Hine - Aspects Of Tantra
Franceska De Grandis - Be A Goddess
Franceska De Grandis - Goddess Initiation

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Feast Of The Disir

Feast Of The Disir Cover The Disir are the ancestral mothers, the first of each of our ancestral line. There are around 400 votive altars raised all over Europe dedicated to ancestral mothers. Freya is considered the 'Queen of the Disir' due to her fertility and magical qualities, but Frigga could very well fill this role. Frigga is the Goddess of fertility in the motherly aspect. She is mother Earth and the Patron Goddess of mothers and family. She assists in childbirth, as the Disir are said too. The Disir are said to have these same qualities. "They are present at every persons birth, through their life and at their death." (Ancient Mothers, Winefred Hodge) It could also be argued that they fill the role of the Norns, being past, present and future. Another theory is that the Disir are the displaced Souls of the Ancestral Mothers. (Theedrich Yeat) Upon our birth the ancient mothers enter our bodies with our first breath and guide us through our lives, and on our death, we release their spirit with our last breath for the next of kin. Freya or Frigga could very well be the First of our Line that our Folk have carried with us generation upon generation, hence the title Vanadis, Queen of the Disir.

The Disir are family specific, and an important aspect of both men's and women's souls. Each family has their ancestral mother's blood flowing in their veins. The Disir are the little voice inside of us that tells us to go forth or hold back. They are the woman's intuition that we inherit from our mothers, both ancient and modern. The Disir are important to both men and women, since we all carry our mothers' line. The Gods and the Goddesses represent the collective unconscious Soul; the Disir (and the Einherjar) represent our conscious soul, our living soul. They aid us now in our waking state. They give us awareness of things we need during our conscious state: strength, intuition, inspiration, etc. They are important to us as the healing, seeing, wise female spirits that guide us in our daily lives, the gut instinct that you get when something feels so right or terribly wrong.

The Disting and Ostara celebration is the time the Disir are the strongest. The veil between here and the world of the Disir is the thinnest. Kindle a fire and speak of their greatness. Remember that evening, they will hear you across the generations of your family and you will feel their strength and gifts. Celebrate this special time with a Feast to the Disir. Spring is the time when the Goddesses go on the hunt; this is a time for the Ancestral Mothers to ride with Freya (or Frigga) leading the hunt! If you hear it, you are lucky; if you see, you are dead or going to be soon. Every time you speak their names and sing their deeds, they live forever.

Free eBooks (Can Be Downloaded):

Aleister Crowley - The Heart Of The Master
Ea Wallis Budge - Legends Of The Gods
Aleister Crowley - The Soul Of The Desert
Michael Smith - Ways Of The Asatru