Sunday, May 31, 2009

Northern Tradition For The Solitary Practitioner

Northern Tradition For The Solitary Practitioner Cover

Book: Northern Tradition For The Solitary Practitioner by Galina Krasskova

Northern Tradition for the Solitary practitioner is a ground-breaking look at the development of devotional work within the body of polytheistic religious traditions ranging from Theodism to asatru to Norse Paganism, that comprise the greater umbrella of the Northern Tradition. While interest in devotional and experiential work within these traditions has been growing rapidly over the past few years, this is the first book to offer an inclusive look at the diverse scope and breadth of such practices as a living, modern-day religion. It features an in-depth exploration of altar work, prayer, prayer beads, ritual work, sacred images, lore, and a thorough examination of the common core cosmology that forms the foundation of belief for the vast expanse of Northern Tradition communities.

Northern Tradition for the Solitary practitioner is clear review of Norse mythology, combined with modern viewpoints from many perspectives.Some practical devotional ideas that are stimulating. a great book to use as a spiritual starting point in this area.

Northern Tradition for the Solitary practitioner is not denomination-specific: rather, it seeks to provide an entry into interior practice for anyone involved in a branch of this broad family of traditions of the ancient Norse, Germanic, and Saxon peoples, using material suitable for the solitary, independent practitioner. Those outside of the Northern Tradition who wish to deepen their own devotional practice will find this book helpful in their own work, as well.

This important new title can be seen as a companion book to Galina Krasskova's Exploring the Northern Tradition or it can stand entirely on its own.

It can be very difficult to go it alone in a tradition that organizes itself in 'hearths' and 'kindreds'. This book is not fluffy-bunny, nor is it extremist towards one perspective or another. It provides the information one needs to begin structuring one's own practice. after years of having to adapt group-oriented practices to solitary observances, I found this book to be a treasured addition to my bookshelf. The language is direct, the tone is honest, and the author tries very hard to keep a balanced view of some hotly contested beliefs within the community.

Galina Krasskova is a free-range tribalist Heathen who has been a priest of Odin for more than a decade. Her primary interest is Heathen devotional work, and she has both written and lectured extensively on the subject. Krasskova is a Northern Tradition shaman currently residing in New York, where she is pursuing her masters in religious studies. She is the author of several books, including Exploring the Northern Tradition.

Raven Kaldera is a Northern-Tradition Pagan shaman, diviner, homesteader, activist, founding member of the First Kingdom Church of asphodel, and managing editor of asphodel Press. He has written and published numerous books and articles, including Urban Primitive and the Northern-Tradition Shamanism series.

Buy Galina Krasskova's book: Northern Tradition For The Solitary Practitioner

Free eBooks (Can Be Downloaded):

Shanddaramon - Self Initiation For The Solitary Witch
Scott Cunningham - Wicca A Guide For The Solitary Practitioner
Scott Cunningham - Living Wicca A Further Guide For The Solitary Practitioner

Friday, May 29, 2009

Religion Jesus In Indiduring The Lost Years And After Surviving Crucifixion

Religion Jesus In Indiduring The Lost Years And After Surviving Crucifixion Image
As i mentioned you in previous posts that Jesus (peace be upon him) traveled to India. He went there not only once, but evidences show that he went twice.

* Ancient scrolls reveal that Jesus spent seventeen years in India and Tibet.

* From age thirteen to age twenty-nine, he was both a student and teacher of Buddhist and Hindu holy men. Many of his gnostic (mystic) teachings thus have eastern philosophical influence.

* The story of his journey from Jerusalem to Benares was recorded by Brahman historians

* Today they still know him and love him as Saint Issa. Their 'buddha'. Bear in mind that Jesus is the latinized pronounciation of Christ's name. His Aramaic original name was Eashoa', Esa or Issa.

* Tibbetian scrolls record his teachings.

I wished i could compile all the research and evidences here in one post. but since i am on travel schedule, i can't for the moment. I give u here some very good links where u can explore more of such evidence. But this is just few sources. there are many more records and books on the facts.

I quote some evidences from the website Reluctant Messenger. They are recorded in ancient scrolls in Himalayas. A number of prominent researchers themselves have studied them and was convinced about their genuinity.

... He passed his time in several ancient cities of India such as Benares. All loved him because Issa dwelt in peace with Vaishas and Shudras (the lower cast people, and it was his own style that he always took side of the poor and neglected) whom he instructed and helped. But the Brahmins and Kshatriyas (higher caste) told him that Brahma forbade those to approach who were created out of his womb and feet. The Vaishas were allowed to listen to the Vedas only on holidays and the Shudras were forbidden not only to be present at the reading of the Vedas, but could not even look at them.

Issa said that man had filled the temples with his abominations. In order to pay homage to metals and stones, man sacrificed his fellows in whom dwells a spark of the Supreme Spirit.

Vaishas and Shudras were struck with astonishment and asked what they could perform. Issa bade them "Worship not the idols. Do not consider yourself first. Do not humiliate your neighbor. Help the poor. Sustain the feeble. Do evil to no one. Do not covet that which you do not possess and which is possessed by others."

Afterward, Issa went into Nepal and into the Himalayan mountains....

"Well, perform for us a miracle," demanded the servitors of the Temple. Then Issa replied to them: "Miracles made their appearance from the very day when the world was created. He who cannot behold them is deprived of the greatest gift of life. But woe to you, enemies of men, woe unto you, if you await that He should attest his power by miracle."

... At this time, an old woman approached the crowd, but was pushed back. Then Issa said,

"Reverence Woman, mother of the universe,' in her lies the truth of creation. She is the foundation of all that is good and beautiful. She is the source of life and death. Upon her depends the existence of man, because she is the sustenance of his labors. She gives birth to you in travail, she watches over your growth. Bless her. Honor her. Defend her. Love your wives and honor them, because tomorrow they shall be mothers, and later-progenitors of a whole race. Their love ennobles man, soothes the embittered heart and tames the beast. Wife and mother-they are the adornments of the universe."

"As light divides itself from darkness, so does woman possess the gift to divide in man good intent from the thought of evil. Your best thoughts must belong to woman. Gather from them your moral strength, which you must possess to sustain your near ones. Do not humiliate her, for therein you will humiliate yourselves. And all which you will do to mother, to wife, to widow or to another woman in sorrow-that shall you also do for the Spirit." (and now compare the view of woman by early christian church and actual teachings of Jesus !)

And then turning to the ruler, he said, "Why demean thy dignity and teach thy subordinates to live in deceit when even without this thou couldst also have had the means of accusing an innocent one?"

Near Lhasa was a temple of teaching with a wealth of manuscripts. Jesus was to acquaint himself with them. Meng-ste, a great sage of all the East, was in this temple.

Finally Jesus reached a mountain pass and in the chief city of Ladak, Leh, he was joyously

accepted by monks and people of the lower class.... And Jesus taught in the monasteries and in the bazaars (the market places); wherever the simple people gathered--there he taught.

... Among the Ladakis, Jesus passed many days, teaching them. And they loved him and when the time of his departure came they sorrowed as children.

Pls visit reluctant messenger for a well documented page here.Why in India?

Various writers, researchers and investigators have explored the notion that Jesus was no stranger to the East. Generally speaking, the resulting theories can be broken down into two main camps. Either they posit that Christ survived the crucifixion and travelled to India, usually via modern Iran and Afghanistan, or that he spent much of his 'lost years' (between the ages of 18 to 33, the period that goes unmentioned in the Gospels), travelling widely in the Far and Middle East. Some theories combine the two elements (which i personally support because he again went to India after surviving the crucifixion because he already knew the place and the people there, so its very logical and rational that he went there again).

But why would Christ have set out on a journey to the East? Apart from the obvious need to escape the clutches of the oppressive Roman Empire there is, perhaps, a more fundamental reason, one bound up with the notion that Jesus was actually searching for his roots.

"These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans, enter ye not: but go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel." (Matthew 10: 5 what happened to the remaining 10 has long been a matter of debate. Many believe they settled in areas including Egypt, Persia, Iran and Africa. Another region believed to have been the final destination for some of the homeless Jews was Northern India or Kashmir. continue reading here.

(quoted from Fortean Times)

Another very good source of scholarly work about the evidences that Jesus survived his crucifixion and went to India is in the magazine called Knowledge of Reality (

What does Quran and Prophet Muhammad tells about Jesus:

And many of my muslims friends have questioned, does the Quran- The Final Testament support it ? This is because what happened to Jesus after crucifixion is also not made clear to muslims for long time (because of biased interpretations) and people didn't pay much attention to the fact cause they r mostly happy with irrational, fantasy like stories when it comes to religion.

Interestingly Quran was revealed to mankind after about 600 years of Jesus's passing exactly the time when his original teachings started to fade away and was replaced by man made doctrines. Quran in fact clears a lot of misconception about Jesus and his holy mother Marry. Read here for exact verses of Quran.

But to be precise in Quran and the sayings of Prophet it is clear that

1. Jesus didn't die on cross. But it was made apparent to them (and its recorded in Gospels how little time Jesus was on the cross, yet people took him for dead which he was not)

2. Jesus had a natural death.

3. God exalted him to a higher place (which is an allegory meaning both the rank of Jesus raised very high and also points to the fact that Jesus took refuge in Kashmir, which is one of the most higher point on earth).

4. Quran says very clearly that all Prophet and Messenger of God had to face death. None is given immortality.

I will elaborate the view of Quran and Prophet Muhammad (peace) sayings in another post, because they need some explanation. But for the moment, here are the verses from the Final Testament about Jesus Christ.

:: A very good resource: The Unknown life of Jesus by Nicolas Notovitch

:: compiled and written from London. May God show us the things as they really are. Amen

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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Ways Of The Asatru

Ways Of The Asatru Cover

Book: Ways Of The Asatru by Michael Smith

There are two issues which I would like to bring to the reader's attention concerning this book. The first would be that this book should not, by any means, be considered an absolute authority on Asatru. The reader is encouraged to read other books, do research, and explore their own hearts to find their own religious and spiritual truths. The main reason for that would be because of the second issue I have to briefly make note of.

The second would be that regardless of all, Asatru is chiefly a religion of the individuals' spiritual path. Although there is a strong sense of community that is encouraged, it is up to the individual to find what rings true to them for their own spiritual health. Asatru itself is a religion of fairly broad guidelines. It is up to the individual to decide where within those broad guidelines they lay in what they believe.

So please, dear reader, I will be bold in giving you a set of "rules" for those who decide to research or become Asatru. Rule # 1 is: Be your own scholar. Asatru is a religion with homework. This extends to not just contemporary writers but, to authors in the fields of linguistics, history, archeology, and other scholarly fields of study. All can help you in your spiritual quest. Rule # 2 is: Always get different perspectives. This is a religion that has its roots in the past, but is (and must be!) evolved within modern context. And it must and will evolve as the future unfolds.

This book has been screaming to come out of my head for quite some time. Folks over the years have asked me, "Why don't you write a book or something?" My response was usually a humorous, "Don't you think I drive enough Asatru folks nuts already?" Then I started thinking about it more seriously as my 12th anniversary of becoming Asatru came closer, and figured it was time to unleash my brain upon the masses. I only hope it helps some folks on their travels. As I know, just writing it has helped my own. Also, the fact that every time there’s a good beginner book out, it goes out-of-print. This way, by self-publishing, it won’t go out-of-print.

Lastly, I'd like to thank the folks who kept pushing me to do it and whom I've found their friendships and debates helpful. I'd like to thank all of Raven Kindred North, Vingolf Fellowship, Medoburg Kindred, Tim McKinney (co-founder of Athelingulf Fellowship), and the countless individual Asatru folks who I've harassed, infuriated, and got into huge debates with over countless thoughts, theories, and beliefs. Without challenge, the mind never evolves and grows.

But most of all, I want to thank my beautiful wife, Catheryn, my precious daughter, Freyjadis, and my strong son, Tiarnan, for being my highest inspirations. - With Honor, Michael J. Smith

Download Michael Smith's eBook: Ways Of The Asatru

Free eBooks (Can Be Downloaded):

Tuesday Lobsang Rampa - Wisdom Of The Ancients
Bernard King - Meanings Of The Runes
Stephen Mcnallen - What Is Asatru
Aleister Crowley - The Heart Of The Master
Michael Smith - Ways Of The Asatru

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Hagalaz Rune

Hagalaz Rune Cover This Rune represents the forces out of our control. Sometimes it's connected to Hel, mistress of the world of the dead and thus considered bad, even an evil Rune. However, a true magician knows that good and bad don't exist, that they're only human ideas. The wrath of Mother Earth, that is the wrath of nature is also an aspect of Hagalaz. The word “hail” represents the angry emotion of nature but also the flight of a weapon in battle. The so-called “hail-wheels” were used to protect the fields from bad weather. That's how people came to the idea that the power of this Rune can be stopped by using the Sun wheel. Another interesting battle against “hail” was lead by one bishop. It's interesting that this Christian priest used a purely pagan ritual. Taking wax from a saint's grave, he would carve certain Runes and place this “talisman” on a high tree near the fields, by which he would allegedly protect them from negative influences of the Hagalaz Rune. Hagalaz is the symbol of suffering and misfortune that has struck us, which at first seems like the wrath and punishment of the Gods, however the consequences of Hagalaz can also be positive if they serve our future spiritual development.


Positive meaning: a great change, the impossibility of controlling a situation.

Negative meaning: natural or spiritual catastrophe, loss of power, pain, suffering, crisis.

Free eBooks (Can Be Downloaded):

Stephen Flowers - Black Runa
Karl Hans Welz - Armanen Runes
Samael Aun Weor - Magic Runes

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Elves Trolls And Wights

Elves Trolls And Wights Image
Elves, Trolls, and Wights is the most complete study yet made of the various beings with whom the Vikings shared their world, from the smallest spirits of stones and plants to the great giants who strive against or aid the Norse gods. Elves, dwarves, giants, wights dwelling in rocks, streams, and oceans: theses beings have been friends, foes, and even lovers of humans, and often worked more closely with farming and fishing folk on a daily basis that did the gods themselves"."

I picked up this title at a used bookstore for a few dollars, but after reading it would gladly have paid the full price for a new copy. "Elves, Trolls, and Wights" is essentially a grimoire and field guide of otherworldly spirits in the Norse tradition. Gundarsson is an academic with a Ph.D. in Old Norse and his writing style reflects this, however, unlike other academic books, "Elves, Trolls, and Wights" is counterbalanced with the author's own direct experiences and practices with the differing spirits he speaks of. Alongside historical accounts of interactions with dwarves, elves, and trolls are Gundarsson's own tales which alone are worth wading through paragraphs of etymology and history. This book is a Pagan's dream -a reliable and in-depth academic book on genius loci written by an actual practitioner for other magical practitioners!

As a field guide, the chapters of this work divide the spirits into types: earth-wights, water-wights, etins, light and dark alfs, dwarves, and changelings. As a practical guide "Elves, Wights, and Trolls" covers herbs associated with these spirits and how they are used (including some I've never read of anywhere else), includes a chapter of rituals for summoning, seeing, protecting from, and working with these spirits, as well as instructions for crafting and using ritual tools and rune staves for spirit work.

If you follow a Norse-influenced path this book is an amazing resource that will get you out of your arm chair practicing magic and working with spirits. If you follow a different spirituality then this book can provide useful ideas on how to work with spirits in your own tradition. Either way, "Elves, Wights, and Trolls" is a very informational and enjoyable read that can be both reference book and practical guide. After reading it you will feel like you took a University lecture on the subject as well as sat down with a Pagan Elder with years of experience.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Worship And Spirituality During And Between The Asatru Holidays

Worship And Spirituality During And Between The Asatru Holidays Cover

Book: Worship And Spirituality During And Between The Asatru Holidays by Anonymous

This is how I Practice Norse Heathenism/Asatru for the major blotar (rituals). These are normally group rituals. Calendars vary for different groups. Gamlinginn published a list of these some years back; I don't believe I still have it. Many use a Modified 8-spoked Wiccan Wheel of the Year. Others have monthly rituals. In Lexington, Kentucky we have made a conscious effort to try to be in harmony with actual local climatic conditions. (Jordsvin)

Download Anonymous's eBook: Worship And Spirituality During And Between The Asatru Holidays

Free eBooks (Can Be Downloaded):

Talismagick - Love Spells And Rituals For Love And Relationships
John Nash - Spirituality And Gender
Right - Travel In Spiritual Worlds A Complete Guide On Astral Travels
Anonymous - Worship And Spirituality During And Between The Asatru Holidays

How Does One Become Asatruar

How Does One Become Asatruar Cover Asatru has a strong emphasis on Ancestral connection, but it is not a religion that can be only practiced by people of Germanic or European ancestry. Anyone who grew up in the Western world, influenced by Western cultures, speaking English or another language of Germanic origin, is automatically a part of the "group power" of the Germanic peoples as a whole. This concept of "group power" is related to the power that collectively surrounds families, and even individuals- it is a power that is passed down through the ages by cultural transmission and even bloodlines, and it influences everything about a person or a group's life and destiny.

In keeping with the ethnic and culturally bound nature of Asatru, those who wish to become Asatruar or Heathen must engage the cultures behind it. A study of the modern and ancient Germanic languages, a deep and introspective study of both history and the sacred stories of the Heathen world, and a real and transformative effort to live one's life by the moral and ethical ideals behind Asatru as well as a personal identification with the Heathen religious culture are all required to some extent before one can be said to have become a "believer in the Gods".

Asatru is an organic religious tradition, not a revealed religious establishment with a central doctrinal authority or hierarchy. Groups of Asatruar are organized locally, following unique local customs. Each member of the faith is enjoined to study the Ancestral lore for guidance in living, and to build strong communities of friends and faithful to have a taste of what real communal spiritual life is like, and what it was like centuries ago.

Like the historical Heathens, Asatru rejects the idea of "spiritual authorities"- there is no "bible", or any other authoritative documents that bind all Asatruar, but there are sacred stories and traditions that come down from the past, giving advice and examples for living rightly with the Gods and others. How a person or a community interprets them is largely a matter of their own insight and conscience.

Recommended reading (pdf e-books):

Aleister Crowley - The Heart Of The Master
John Earle - The Deeds Of Beowulf
Michael Smith - Ways Of The Asatru

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Easter Is Derived By Bede From The Name Of A Goddess

Easter Is Derived By Bede From The Name Of A Goddess Image
Recently we attended a meeting of the pagan-studies group associated with the Beckley fellowship of the Unitarian-Universalist Association. Today's blog stems from some remarks of the group's leader J. L. and from the discussion that followed.

In this year of the Common Era 2008, Spring Equinox occurs on March 20. In this year the pre-Christian way those other folks use to calculate Easter* has brought the two observances unusually close together.

Ostara is really the time to observe your own private beginning time of year. Samhain is good for shared observances at the full moon nearest November 1, and we Frosts would be reluctant indeed to forgo its observance; but our personal lives might make more sense if we as pagans made our personal new year's resolutions at the vernal equinox, a time when we all want to get out and do things. Join us now if you like, in rolling up your sleeves and reviewing your assumptions. Let's start with a little research.

Easter - Our Oxford Etymological Dictionary says: Easter is derived by Bede from the name of a goddess whose feast was celebrated on the vernal equinox Eostre (related to east) and from the Sanskrit word Usra (dawn).** We are all familiar with the idea of spring cleaning and dawn in the east and the east correlating in our way with new beginnings.

We ourselves have been tilling and planting our small city garden. The task gets us out of the house after a long winter season of short, gray daylight hours and encourages us to put our hands into actual soil... maybe not a bad thing.

How about not only making new resolutions but also actually doing something?! You might start with a good look at your spirituality, giving a good polish to those things you firmly believe, and sweeping away all that old rubbish that people have been blathering at you since you were born. Sum this up as:

What do you believe, and why do you believe it?

It's just a thought, but it's one we like.

So bright blessings to you who will polish up your spirituality but will also get out into the real world and do something. Gavin and Yvonne

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* Find Spring Equinox. Find the next full moon. Find the next Sunday. That will be Easter. (Do you believe it?)

** Anotehr cognate occurs in the words Ostrogoth (Eastern Goths) and Visigoth (Western Goths).

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