Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Runes And Rune Magic

Runes And Rune Magic Image
The most common runic alphabets the Elder Futhark (150-800 AD), the Younger Futhark (1800-1100AD), and Anglo-Saxon Futhorc (400-1100 AD) are a set of related alphabets known as runes. These runes throughout history have been used for various purposes, to write various Germanic Languages (before Latin), divination, spiritual growth, and magic (K). Like all things linked to the occult, the rise of Christianity drove those who used the runes to hide their interest and practice in secrecy.

The actual origin of the runes in unknown, but we do have evidence that runes were used by the Vikings and those from Nordic Countries. In fact, the runes play a large part in Nordic mythology. As the Norse God Odin was said to have won the runes by hanging upside down for 9 days and nights without food or drink on the world tree known as Yggdrasil.

Today, the runes are largely used for divination purposes. But they can be used as stated above for much more. This much more is the topic of this post. Listed below is a simple rune script to attract money, something a lot of folks need these days!

Rune Script for Money ( draw the rune script in red ink on a small sheet of white paper)

The runes above are Gebo (Ghay-bow), Fehu (fay -who), Berkano (Bear- khan-oh), and Fehu (fay-who)


On a waxing moon draw the above runes in the exact order as given. Vibrate the name of each rune as you write it, see the rune's energy hovering over the paper as you say it's name, and watch it dissolve into the rune on the paper. Do this for each rune as you write it. After the last rune say, "Alu" (means so mote it be).Finally, charge the rune script with the 4 elements consisting of air (incense), earth (salt), fire (candle flame),and water(sprinkle a little water on the talisman) while stating that the talisman brings the needed money. Wear the talisman until you receive the money.

To destroy the talisman once it's served its purpose do the following:

Burn the talisman and toss the ashes to the wind.

Also, try the Fehu money spell located here

To learn more about runes and working with them in magic, you should get rune magic book located here

Labels: philippine gods and goddesses  symbols for greek gods and goddesses  facts about egyptian gods and goddesses  anti religion  aztec gods and goddesses  protection spell wicca  easy astral projection techniques  good voodoo dolls  

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Race And Religion Creating A Group Identity

Race And Religion Creating A Group Identity Cover Religion plays a large part in many white supremacist movements. Not just because it seems to be an easy scapegoat and, especially in the United States, an easy way to claim discriminatory speech is protected. Social movements generally contain elements that challenge the way a dominant system works, and so new sub-cultures are created as an answer to the prevailing system. This is also a result of peoples’ tendency to seek identity within a group setting—religion offers an easy way to do that. Dobratz writes, “Although religion may be viewed as an individual matter, it is mainly a shared experience that links one human being to others; bond and tradition are major concepts associated with religion…they [religions] can also be used to foster collective identity in various social movements.” Odinism is not at all unique in its use of religion to inspire ethnic conflict. This is a tactic we often see used against Judaism, the idea that the Jews are somehow “different.”

In 2001, a Professor of Religious History at the University of Stockholm minced no words when asked about neo-paganism, and more specifically Odinism, in white supremacy. He asserted that, in the 1990’s, neo-paganism had overtaken Christian Identity movements in white supremacy. In The Role of Religion in the Collective Identity of the White Racialist Movement, Odinism is specifically named as one of the three religious affiliations that has been most influential in influencing and developing the white nationalist/racialist movement. This article makes a separation between racial Odinism and other neo-pagan religions. While most other neo-pagan groups tend to see their religion as somehow “universal” in scope and would normally be classified as quite liberal, Odinists, “do not believe in universal religions…unlike most other neopagans, support neotribalism, emphasize racial purity.” It is important to note that the lack of belief in a universal religion is something generally attributed only to Folkish Odinists. There is much Universalist literature suggesting belief in the idea that the Old Norse gods are simply different iterations, or even only different names, of the same pagan gods worshiped worldwide.

It has been suggested that, “religion, broadly conceived, offers the most promising path toward realization of the white nationalist dream” (Dobratz). As a broad category, religion is very helpful in recruiting for new movements. It works to provide a common history and group identity, something very attractive to potential recruits. While they may privately compete among themselves, the number of different religions that have parts in the white supremacist/white nationalist movement actually serves to attract more members than if it were homogenous. Dobratz writes, “The different religious views provide alternatives from which people can choose.”

Lately, however, Odinism seems to have become the go-to religion of white supremacists who are disillusioned with Christianity. As churches have become both more liberal and more accepting of changing societal norms (such as homosexuality or women clergy), more and more interest in Odinism and other “ancestral religions” has popped up. Frank DeSilva, a member of the Silent Brotherhood, argues that a break from Christianity in favor of Odinism is occurring within white supremacy. “Religion is for the race-culture that created it. In consequence to this, the movement is becoming increasingly non-Christian.” He goes on to cite the fact that religions are become more integrated or “non-white” as a main reason for this shift. The idea of Christianity as a Jewish plot is also gaining popularity. In a rare case of reasoning that is (somewhat) logical, one reason for white supremacists reject Christian movements is explained—

“I’m an Odinist, and I really wish that all this Christian Identity stuff would just like fade away…me and a lot of my friends just think that it’s the stupidest thing around—Christian Identity. I mean, I believe Christianity is Jewish. I mean, in nature, Jesus Christ was Jewish—it comes from the Middle East—it’s a Middle Eastern religion. I don’t think it’s for us as a racial movement—why should we take a Jewish religion if we’re so anti-Semitic?”

Books in PDF format to read:

Israel Regardie - The Art And Meaning Of Magic
William Alexander Craigie - Religion Of Ancient Scandinavia
Stephen William Hawking - Space And Time Warps
Sandra Ingerman - Shamanic Journeying A Beginner Guide
John Arnott Macculloch - The Religion Of The Ancient Celts

Sunday, December 7, 2008


Havamal Cover

Book: Havamal by Wh Auden

Havamal ("Sayings of the high one") is presented as a single poem in the Poetic Edda, a Collection of Old Norse poems from the Viking age. The poem, itself a combination of different poems, is largely gnomic, presenting advice for living, proper conduct and wisdom.

The verses are attributed to Odin, much like the biblical Book of Wisdom is attributed to Solomon. The implicit attribution to Odin facilitated the accretion of various mythological material also dealing with Odin.

For the most part composed in the metre Ljodahattr, a metre associated with wisdom verse, Havamal is both practical and metaphysical in content. Following the gnomic "Havamal proper" follows the Runatal, an account of how Odin won the runes, and the Ljodatal, a list of magic chants or spells.

The only surviving source for Havamal is the 13th century Codex Regius. The part dealing with ethical conduct (the Gesta?attr) was traditionally identified as the oldest portion of the poem by Scholarship in the 19th and Early 20th century. Bellows (1936) identifies as the core of the poem a "collection of proverbs and wise counsels" which dates to "a very early time", but which, by the nature of oral tradition, never had a fixed form or extent. Von See (1981) identifies direct influence of the Disticha Catonis on the Gesta?attr, suggesting that also this part is a product of the high medieval period and casting doubt on the "unadulterated Germanic character" of the poem claimed by earlier commentators.

To the gnomic core of the poem, other fragments and poems dealing with wisdom and proverbs accreted over time. A discussion of authorship or date for the individual parts would be futile, since almost every line or stanza could have been added, altered or removed at will at any time before the poem was written down in the 13th century. Individual verses or stanzas nevertheless certainly date to as early as the 10th, or even the 9th century. Thus, the line deyr fe, deyja fraendr ("cattle die, kinsmen die") found in verses 76 and 77 of the Gestapattr can be shown to date to the 10th century, as it also occurs in the Hakonarmal by Eyvindr skaldaspillir.

Download Wh Auden's eBook: Havamal

Free eBooks (Can Be Downloaded):

Siddhartha Gautama - Dhammapada
Arjun Vishad Yog - Bhagvad Gita
Wh Auden - Havamal

Friday, December 5, 2008

Futhark A Handbook Of Rune Magic

Futhark A Handbook Of Rune Magic Cover

Book: Futhark A Handbook Of Rune Magic by Edred Thorsson

Complete book of rune instruction including definitions of the 24 runes of the Elder Futhark. Includes discussion of phonetic values, derivation and magical qualities of each rune, as well as exercises, chants, rituals, all geared for self-development.

This book is REQUIRED READING for those who would dare seek true knowledge of the runes. Other books purporting to reveal the mysteries of the runes are best left to the New Agers -- this is the real deal. Be advised that even though this "introductory" text is "for beginners," it is only for those who truely wish to KNOW. There is no mass-market fluff here! Although I am not entirely in agreement with the teachings of Mister Flowers (Thorsson) and the Rune-Guild, this is, by far, the best book I've seen on the subject matter . . . better even than "Thorsson's" later books for more advanced studies. He has written a number of books on the runes, and, even though I have a working knowledge of runelore myself, a few of them were difficult to read. Fortunately, "Futhark" is not one of them. The only real criticism I have is that, personally, I find the concept of "runic postures" rather silly. Visualize them, carve them, stain them with your blood -- but don't go striking a pose! Aside from that, this was an excellent book, and I recommend it highly.

Find Edred Thorsson's book in
Futhark A Handbook Of Rune Magic

Recommended reading (pdf e-books):

Ralph Blum - The New Book Of Runes
Arthur Edward Waite - The Book Of Ceremonial Magic
Edred Thorsson - Futhark A Handbooks Of Rune Magic