Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Heathen Bookhoard A Reading List

Heathen Bookhoard A Reading List Cover

Book: Heathen Bookhoard A Reading List by The Troth

At this writing, this is the only mass-market book in print by a heathen author that deals directly with today's heathen religion. Features many beautifully written prayers to the gods and goddesses. The author reviews the lore on the deities, giving a number of her own personal understandings, which not everyone will agree with, but which are always thought-provoking.

An excellent Brief Introduction to the history of runes (letters used by the Norse and Germanic peoples for both magical and mundane purposes), with lots of pictures of artifacts. Deep thinking on ethics and morals from a heathen perspective, written by a highly respected author in the heathen community.

A compendious tome of rune-lore, presenting the fruits of years of study and personal Experience With the runes. Edred has been involved in Asatru and studying the runes since the early 1980s; he has a PhD from the University of Texas. He's written many books on
runes from a heathen standpoint; Runelore emphasizes academics and theology, and FUTHARK emphasizes magic.

Download The Troth's eBook: Heathen Bookhoard A Reading List

Books in PDF format to read:

Ralph Blum - The New Book Of Runes
Miyamoto Musashi - A Book Of Five Rings
Leonardo Da Vinci - The Notebooks Of Leonardo Da Vinci
The Troth - Heathen Bookhoard A Reading List