There are many traditions and practices that have been passed down through the generations and have survived attempts to eliminate them. Almost all of mainstream American festivals and holidays have their origins in pre-Christian Europe. Such things as Easter Eggs, Yule Trees and their decorations, celebration behaviors, adornment symbolism and other practices represent cultural patterns passed down through the generations from before Christianity dominated Europe. Marriage ceremonies, maritime practices, time-keeping practices and calendars all represent a continued cultural outlook, which has been passed between the generations.
Whereas these practices have been downplayed in the non-Asatruar sectors of American society, Asatruar have embraced them for what they are: surviving
folk religion and cultural practices and beliefs. As a folk religion,
Asatru adherents see themselves as promoting these surviving traditional values, cultural ideas and practices into the present day and into the future.
Free eBooks (Can Be Downloaded):
Anonymous - Asatru And The ParanormalAnonymous - Introduction To The Old Religion Lesson 7aAnonymous - Introduction To The Old Religion Lesson 8Robert Ellwood - The Encyclopedia Of World Religions